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On a Day Like Today

Īhuīcpa Huiquipedia, in yōllōxoxouhqui cēntlamatilizāmoxtli


"On a Day Like Today"
Keane cuīcatl
Xacaloax Tlamācuīlti 10, 2004
Grabado Helioscentric Studios
Tlactlini Andy Green
Hopes and Fears tracklist
"This Is the Last Time"
"On a Day Like Today"
"Untitled 1"

"On A Day Like Today" (inglestlahtolcopa "Cē tōnalpan quemeh āxcān") ītōca inic mahtlāctli cuīcatl īpan Hopes and Fears, achto yahualtzintli īpal inglatēcatl tlacuīcaliztli Keane. Cuīcatl cah huēyi occequīntīn Keane cuīcahuīc.

Cuīcatlahtōl[xikpatla | xikpatla itsintlan]

inglestlahtolcopa cuīcatlahtōl, tlazohtechcopa;

On a day like today I looked and I saw something in the way you stared into the sky: I saw you were sick and tired of my wrong turns. If you only knew the way I feel... I'd really love to tell you but I can never seem to say the things I needed to: I can't find the words to say and I don't know why...
Cē tōnalpan quēmeh āxcān ōnimitzittac auh ōnicttac iuh ōquittac in ilhuicatl... Nitlahzoa mitzihtoa tēl ahmo nihuelīti quihtoa in tlahtōl ic tlahtoa: ahmo nihuelīti niquinnēxti, auh ahmo nicmati yeh īca...
